Sunday, 20 June 2010


It's difficult to buy Coke or Pepsi in the local supermarket at Pont Croix. They like to offer Breizh Cola instead. The 'cola of Brittany', as it's called, is the local alternative. It is one of many types of alternate cola, or 'altercola', competing with the more established and widespread brands. These colas are currently produced in small volumes and are generally readily available in local markets only. I like their smaller glass bottles and I must say that it tastes good (if you like cola, that is).

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

quick trip

to Brittany again recently. What fun!
Ryanair couldn't land at Brest because it was raining so they diverted to Dinard. S was due to collect me at the airport and, as this had also happened to friends last week and it took them hours to get back to Brest, she decided to drive to Dinard. After two hours sitting in the plane on the runway at Dinard we were informed that the staff there were not prepared to accept us so we would be flying off to Nantes. Quick call to S who was almost at Dinard by now. She said it would take just as long to go back to Brest as it would to follow me to Nantes so she would drive on and pick me up. An hour and a half after landing at Nantes S arrived with a very sick car. Just outside the airport we stopped and discovered there was no water in the engine. Several calls to the insurance company, a tow by a very nice man to his Citroen garage, a wait in the bus shelter outside his garage, a taxi back to the airport, a hire car to get us the 270kms to Pont Croix and we were back by 1.00 in the morning - a total journey time of only 16 hours.
Back to work now for a rest.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

singapore mosque

It's been some time since the last posting. Have been sorting lots of stuff for Dad (maybe more of this later).
I happened to be looking on his book shelf and found an album of old postcards that I have not seen before. This one caught my eye because a friend has a love of Ovaltine images. Odd to see this sign beside a mosque in Singapore.